Sure, it’s about the music. Sure, it’s about the act. But what about the message? Since this site focuses on words and sentences, we are happy to announce that we are putting a spotlight on what’s actually being said by this year’s Eurovision-participants.
In the past weeks we have been looking for the best lines from all the songs. Out of all the nominated lines nine survived. They are competing this week to win the final award: the Eurostory Award. What is the most elegant written one? What is the best metaphor?
But: we need help to decide who has the best line of the entire festival.
The voting starts now! See ‘poll’ on our frontpage, or down here. Will you help us? Remember: it’s not about the melody, not about the country, not about the singer: just the words, the sentence, the poetry.
Apart from the online voting there is also a professional jury, that consists of a big group of (mostly Dutch) writers. editors, lyricists et cetera.
The voting closes on Wednesday and at the end of the week, just before the contest, we will hand the first Eurostory Award to the winner(s)!
EUROSTORY AWARD - What is the best line of all the songs of the festival? Final week.
I had less time for my heart and more for my mind, always one step behind and my soul on high alert, and I watched the world from a door never completely open. (Italy: Davo meno spazio al cuore e...) (24%, 10 stemmen)
You think you are gods, but everyone dies. (Ukraine) (24%, 10 stemmen)
I didn t know that you wished for the moon to provide me the light. (San Marino) (17%, 7 stemmen)
Instead of being a captain I chose the life of a pirate. (Bosnia and Hercegovina: mjesto kapetan da budem, bir o sam da budem pirate.) (10%, 4 stemmen)
You feel mistreated in a world where the poems sound fake. (Hungary) (7%, 3 stemmen)
It takes a lot of nerve to save a life. (Norway) (7%, 3 stemmen)
They sing and they dance and they laugh, they go for it, all together, tipsy, into carelessness. (Austria: On chante et on danse et on rit, on s elance, reuni, enivre, dans l imprundence.) (5%, 2 stemmen)
I d crawl thru the desert on my hands and knees, rehearsin my pretty please. (Sweden) (5%, 2 stemmen)
Just hit play, cause that is the only way to find out if it is love that we are falling into. (Estonia) (0%, 0 stemmen)
Totaal aantal stemmen: 41